
I am a long time member of the Khora Community Centre, an initiative aiming to provide open, social and cultural spaces for displaced people in the centre of Athens. At the moment I am working towards opening a self-organised DIWO hacklab in its basement, centring on sound art, sound recordings and music improvisation.

I have worked with various education-technology initiatives in Athens for newcomers to Greece and released 48-hour workshop-based course focused on 3D printing, circuits, sensors and physical computing.

I make location recordings in Athens and occasionally reflect on them:
Refugee Voices and the Right to Make Sound: Soundscapes of Citizenship in Athens. By Tom Western, and Sofia Zafeiriou.
An anthropology in sound. By Said Azim Karimi, Muhammad Sukarno Kurdi, Georgios Sourmelis, Tom Western, and Sofia Zafeiriou.

Now exploring the sound of the Eastern Mediterranean, I play violin. Member of the Intercultural Orchestra of the Greek National Opera, directed by Harris Lambrakis.

In 2018-2019, I studied [digital audio synthesis, computer programming and microcontrollers, aesthetics and philosophy of contemporary art, phenomenological and ecological approaches to sound, sensor interaction, multimedia, online music facilities, and other related matters] at Ubique, with Marinos Koutsomichalis, Stratos Bichakis and Akis Sinos.

Maker geek, avid xinomavro lover, designs processes.