next nest

In June 2024, I was a resident at APO33, in Nantes, France, in the context of a short-term scientific mission supported by COST and based on the work of Toolkit of Care1.

My work there focused on a large-scale sound sculpture, that was exhibited at Plateforme Intermédia throughout the summer.

next nest is a 10-channel sound installation that invites dwelling in latent listening space and produces allegories of sound ecologies.

It draws from the Sarakatsani house, a yurt structure built from braided reeds and twigs, which would be disassembled and carried in pieces during seasonal migration2. Such senses of place3 and architectures of creativity and resilience are re-imagined in a latent manner, as a habitus of listening. The research seeks to use inductive materials and stochastic patterns as autonomous weaving machines, to be presented in a modular installation and archive.

The materials of the installation include repurposed power cables, electromagnetic recordings of Aegean storms, maqam-esque modalities and recordings of a collection of metal household objects.

Sound is utopian, sound is world-making, sound is a method for political thought, sound comes from relations of things, sound is sonic resistance through noise, ephemeral, sound survives in the liminal space. We are not single inputs, but rather samples of samples -constellations of place, broken locations and dislocated maps. The soundscape invites us to openly pursue the multiple; to listen for points of connection, moments of commonality, starting points of solidarity. To mix, to crossfade, to repeat, to loop, to silence, to amplify; to open new ways of being disruptive and poetic, spaces for sharing what we lack. Sound is listening and listening is sound, an oscillation and endless encounter, transgressive towards fugitivity, care, radical openness and poetics; for the right to housing and to the city.

  1. Toolkit of Care is an interdisciplinary group of creative practitioners, academics, researchers, and artistic/craft organizations specializing in creative technologies, who have come together to form a “critical care network”. The action network collaborates to share collective expertise and technical knowledge creatively employed to develop care knowledge and methodologies.This short-term scientific mission is based on the work of COST Action Toolkit of Care (TOC), CA21102, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). ↩︎
  2. Ceminay Kara, Oguzhan Izmir; Thalweg: Well-known Secrets of the Evros River (2022) ↩︎
  3. People don’t just dwell in comfort or misery, in centers or margins, in place or out of place, empowered or disempowered. People everywhere act on the integrity of their dwelling. -Steven Feld, Keith H. Basso; Senses of Place (1996) ↩︎



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